The Great queen Hatshepsut a symbol of female power, spirituality, determination, and success, the queen was born at the beginning of a sublime time of Egyptian majestic force and success, properly called the New Kingdom, a rule of 22 years full of power and political stability.
Hatshepsut is notable for her aspiring structure projects in Egypt especially the few Obelisks' at Karnack temple and her funerary Temple at Deir el-Bahri.

One of her greatest achievements is the expeditions to Punt “Queen Hatshepsut sent her fleet to Punt, which is the country on the southwestern side of Bab al-Mandab, south of the Red Sea. For trade and to bring incense, myrrh, and aromatic trees from the country, in addition to bringing ebony wood, ivory and rare animals to Egypt.

When the expedition ships arrive to punt, the Prince of Punt and his wife and their followers appear behind them, greeting and welcoming the leader of the journey.
Egyptian ships were loaded with the products and goods of Punt. Of ivory, ebony, fragrant woods, leopard skin, gold, incense, and monkeys, as well as some of the inhabitants of Punt who came with their children to Egypt, and the accompanying text mentioned:
“No such thing has been brought to any king who has existed since eternity.”
Some of the incense trees, which were transported with their roots in pots, were planted on both sides of the entrance to the Deir al-Bahari temple, and some parts of them remain in their places until now.
It was not common for a Queen to be a ruler or a GOD in this time in Ancient Egypt Hatshepsut had to support her reign with both social and religious legitimacy
The queen was a beautiful woman, however she was wearing men cloth and fake beard in all religious ceremonies.
In addition to that she took for herself the five royal titles according to the inherited Egyptian royal traditions :
1-Hor (Horus): Wirte-kao means strong companion.
2- Nabati (the two ladies): Wedgat-rabbut, meaning flourishing for years.
3- Hor Nabu (Horus the Victorious): Nirat-Khao, meaning the sanctification of sunshine.
4- Nesu Betty (King of the South and North): Maat-Ka-Ra, which translates as Adalah Qurain Ra
5- Sa Ra (Ibn Ra): Ghanemat-Amun Hat-Shepsut which is her personal name and translates to merging with Amun, the introduction to the Nobles
Ancient Egypt is full of magic and powerful females, this month will be dedicated to all the beautiful queens of Egypt, so stay Tuned!
With Love